October 13, 2009

Design Crush

When I went to the D&D Building last week, Jonathan Adler was the love of my interior design life. But now, there's a new man I have a crush on... Michael Bruno! He's the founder of the fabulous website 1st Dibs which he launched after moving to Paris and becoming enamored with the Paris Flea Markets. He's so cute and was so personable during the morning session, Evolution of Design, a discussion looking at the way the Internet and TV have affected the design world. Michael shared his goal of connecting the Paris antiques market to the rest of the world. Since launching the website in 2001, it now features seven million listings per year and has expanded to include jewelry and vintage watches and most recently vintage couture. This is his gorgeous Paris apartment, where obviously I will be living once he realizes that he loves me just as much as I love him!I've yet to figure out if our relationship will be more of the Will and Grace variety ... but I'm not concerned; this fireplace is gorgeous!!!Every single piece in these rooms are so unique! When I go to new places, I love to look around and take in all of the details of the space -- it drives my friend Kim CRAZY when we're at restaurants because she can never tell if I'm paying attention to what she's saying....but wow, it would take me years to finish looking this place over!Another thing I love is that while I can't necessary afford the gorgeous antiques on the 1st Dibs, the website includes an editorial section focusing on designers. This section doesn't help the website make any more money, but Michael loves how they add personality to the site.
So do you love my new design boyfriend?

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